Subatomic Subatomic is a networked game project revolving around the utilization of REST, NodeJs, MongoDB, UDP, Qt, Goog...
Chrono-Drive Chrono-Drive is a first person shooter set in a space station. The player is on a mission to shut down the dro...
Eyes in the Dark Face your fears in this 2D horror adventure. You play as a factory worker who has been summoned to work in the...
Paradox Engine The Paradox Engine is a Component based engine that was in development during my Sophomore year summer. It was...
Shroud of the Forsaken Princess Plum’s dragon has vanished! You must venture through the role of Princess Plum in order to defe...
Luminous Luminous is a 2D frantic puzzle platformer where the player is a ball of energy escaping from the watchful eye...