I haven’t written some c++ now for a good six months, I’ve been busy within Unity, c#, and python ...
This is a c++ asynchronous task object I wrote a while back that allows for executing tasks asynchronously, wi...
This is a C# CallbackEventHandler I wrote to allow registering event categories and events for dispatching wit...
Subatomic is a networked game project revolving around the utilization of REST, NodeJs, MongoDB, UDP, Qt, Goog...
Greetings, I’m Chase Hutchens the Network Game Engineer developing in Blunderbuss on our game Chrono-Dri...
The NetGameObjectManager is used for storing and generating network game objects on the client side of Chrono-...
The NetworkManager is what’s responsible for handling everything related to the network packets, it̵...
The CNetGameObject is a component that allows our game objects that are associated with one of these component...
Chrono-Drive is a first person shooter set in a space station. The player is on a mission to shut down the dro...
Face your fears in this 2D horror adventure. You play as a factory worker who has been summoned to work in the...